A really important part of your business is collecting people's email addresses. Yes, we can use social media to connect with our audience, but what happens when social media goes down, or your account is blocked? You've suddenly lost your audience - just ask Donald Trump!

So how can you build your email list?

You don't just want anyone on your email list. You want the people who will eventually buy from you - your people.

A really effective way of attracting people to your email list is to give them something they are really going to want in exchange for their email address. This could be a video, a quick guide or a quiz. But no matter what format it is, it needs to help them with something they are really struggling with; one of their pain points.

Once they are on your list, you need to start building a relationship with them and start building that know, like and trust factor. You need to share what makes you unique, what you do, your approach and how they can work with you. This can be done through an initial email sequence and then followed up be your regular emails.

So how can I help you with all of this?

I can help you to set up the tech that sends out your emails as well as coming up with what content these will contain to help build that know, like and trust factor. I'll take you through everything step-by-step so you can build it as we go along, building your confidence at the same time.

Help! I can't continuously create content week after week!

I will take you through my tried and tested method for creating content and work with you to build this into your strategy to help you to lead your potential clients through the sales process to the point where they want to buy from you. You can also ask me about my weekly accountability sessions so you can write your emails alongside me and make sure you are organised every week for your content to go out to your audience.

I can't even send an email to my list!

I will take you through each part of your email system helping you set it up in the most efficient way, saving you time each week and making sure you get the most impact from your emails by implementing ways to increase your open rates and decrease the likelihood of your emails ending up in people's spam folder.